Use Aroma Reset to dissolve...
Overwhelm  ~  Stress  ~  Frustration  ~  Fear  ~  and much more

How important is the sense of smell?

Your sense of smell is the most primitive one you have - it is the first to develop in the womb, and it connects us at an early age to feelings of safety, comfort, and joy.
Smell is tied to survival

All animals (including humans) use the sense of smell to find good food, avoid predators, and attract mates.
Smell connects directly to the brain

The olfactory nerve connects directly to the limbic system in the brain.  This is where we process emotion, determine whether we are safe or in danger, and form bonds and attachments to those around us.

Why do we 
get stuck?

When we encounter a situation that feels overwhelming, confusing, or threatening, our emotions sometimes 'lock up' and we lose our ability to know what is best, to think clearly, or to make good decisions.
What is Aroma Reset?

  • It is a simple process to quickly release the negative thoughts and feeling your have about a situation.  
  • By focusing on how the event is affecting you and smelling specific essential oils, you 'reset' your brain to return to feelings of peace and wholeness, allowing you to gain clarity on your next step.
  • This technique is best used in moments where you need a quick boost out of feelings of negativity or stress to be able to carry on with your day. 
For persistent concerns that could benefit from a targeted approach on areas such as trauma release, mindset shifts, worry cycles, etc, a 1-hour guided session utilizing the fuller collection of Aroma Freedom protocols catered to your specific story and needs is optimal.
How it works?
Step 1
Identify the situation. Think of a current situation that feels overwhelming, frustrating, or confusing. 
Once you can clearly picture it, go to the next step.
Step 2:
Name the feeling. Find ONE WORD that describes how you feel when you picture the situation. 
Examples: Sad, hopeless, lonely, fearful, etc.  Once you have named it, go to the next step.
Step 3
Locate this feeling in your body. 
Examples: Heart, head, belly, etc. It could also be expressed in a bodily posture, such as slumping over or clenching your teeth. 
Once you have found it, go to the next step. 
Step 4 
Identify the negative thought. What is the negative thought connected to the feeling? 
Examples: "I don't have enough time." "I don't have enough money," "I'm not smart enough." etc. Once you have found it, go to the next step. 
Step 5
Smell Essential Oils. Place one drop each of the Memory Release Blend (Lavender, Frankincense, and Stress Away - or an alternative equivalent to this oil) into your palms, and rub together. Inhale deeply while focusing on the situation, the feeling, the bodily situation, and the negative thought.
 ***Notice what happens to your picture of the situation, and how you feel in your body and mind.
Step 6:
Decide what is next. 
Now that something has shifted, you can either:
A. Get on with your day in a more relaxed, calm, and clear mood.
B. Repeat this process (if needed).
C. Use the Aroma Freedom Technique to clear out any issues that you became aware of during this process.
Receive your reset supplies

I believe that the Memory Release Blend using Young Living's Frankincense, Lavender, and Stress Away* essential oils can help with emotional release and calming effects on the brain.

These oils provide over 200 Aroma Reset applications, ensuring you're equipped for a consistent emotional reset routine, so please contact me at and let me know when you order them so I can provide additional resources to support you.
Also, contact me before ordering for a coupon code!

Why Young Living?
*This specific brand is authorized for use with Aroma Freedom protocols due to its trusted purity and safety, and effectiveness of the blends to transform and release negative emotions. When you deeply inhale an essential oil it is absorbed into your brain which is a very sensitive organ; it is important to make sure you are not inhaling oils that may have hidden solvents, synthetic constituents, or pesticides. 


Copyright Charlotte Ann 
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