Back to school!!!
What an exciting day for kids to head back to school and start the NEW YEAR!
Things may look a little different...but it is still a NEW beginning...a NEW start...
It’s a time to look for Hope! Hope for the future and the promise of education that’s been given to our children! They do have a bright future and need to see the possibilities and opportunities ahead of them!
It’s a time to look for Peace! Have peace in your heart that it’s going to be a great year. That your children are going to learn all that they need to know. Actually, that they’re going to learn MORE than they need to know! Know that your kids are going to RISE above the occasion.....above the situation! They CAN rise up and build a great future for themselves and their future family! Rest in that!
What is your outlook for this school year? What are you portraying and sharing with your kids? Whether they are Kindergarten or College age doesn’t matter! What is your attitude and demeanor?
A few days after I turned 18, my Mom sent me off to college in one of the darkest times of her life. She sent me off with a wing and a prayer AND a lot of faith. I know if I had been in her shoes I would not have done the same. Her attitude was that she knew I was going to be OK and it was the best decision for ME. She didn’t make that decision for herself!
It’'s time to Encourage! Encourage your children to dig in no matter what their schooling looks like! They CAN tackle this school year with grace and ease! They CAN move forward everyday learning something NEW about themselves and this world!
They CAN change their future!
Buckle up and be ready to see some miracles!