
Self-Love: What does this mean to you?  
There was a time when I didn’t have a healthy love for myself. 

Growing up around a couple of adults that were vain and narcissistic I thought I would become the same if I simply took care of myself. You know…. take some time to enjoy something that I like, put on a little makeup or pamper myself?  
My concern was a lie but it still ruled the way I lived and treated myself! 

What does your BODY LANGUAGE say about you?

What does your BODY LANGUAGE say about you?
What does your BODY LANGUAGE  say about you?
There was a time in my life that I just would not make myself large and in charge. I was afraid of the repercussions so I stayed small and hidden and really felt that I had nothing to offer the world.

With NO voice and NO value, my purpose in life was almost nil and I felt so...