Back to Basics!

Back to Basics!
Back to Basics!

I had really forgotten what started it all!

Besides my dad dying from cancer and having children, this book is what got me thinking about how I wanted to live my life!

Tonight I was reminded of this book and the instructions in it. Honestly, I would say the instructions in this book have probably changed for many reasons, and I’ve learned so much more than the scope of this book.

But hearing the name tonight took me back to the time when I was afraid that my kids and I would just get cancer and die.

This year I have passed the age that my dad passed away after battling cancer for 10 years. As a teenager, watching him fight for life was sometimes frightening. This time of my life was also a lonely time, as my mom basically lived at the hospital with my dad and I was the last one at home throughout the high school years.

But then, having children, and thinking about them getting cancer and dying or leaving them home alone because I was fighting cancer, began a personal journey that I just could not walk away from.

This book! It has been so many years since I read it, but I learned so much at the time. It helped me realize that there is so much more to our well-being than what meets the eye. Today, I am thankful that the fear of cancer that gripped me before, is no longer a constant worry!

I’m not sure I can honestly recommend this book at this point, but I am thankful that it started a spark of curiosity for something different! I am forever grateful to have discovered Young Living along the way! What I’ve learned has empowered me to take charge of my well-being and embrace a more natural and holistic approach to life. Through Young Living, I have learned about the incredible power of essential oils and their potential to support our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My kids would not be where they are today without this part of the journey!

So, share with me - what sparked your journey? Is there a book, a teacher, or a moment of inspiration that completely changed the trajectory of your life? Let's inspire and support each other on this incredible journey to wellness and abundance.

xo Charlotte Ann
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