Are you battling any kind of health issue? From a skin issue to the dreaded 'C' word.
There was a time in my family that emotions made us sick! It's plain and simple! And this film...10 years/20 years later explains it all! Get stressed.....get sick! Travel....get sick! Hit rock bottom....get sick!
This short video full of health experts has just confirmed scientifically things that have happened with my kids and other things that I’ve learned by digging into the medical realm! WOW!
I don’t often watch Amazon Prime for entertainment but when I saw this title (based on what I’ve been studying and practicing in AFT)...
If you don't have Prime Video....you can get it FREE for 30 days here!!! Try it out! You won't regret it with all the value this video delivers!
When you watch it.....let me know what the greatest thing you took away was! I have so many....I was taking notes!

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