Self-Love: What does this mean to you?
There was a time when I didn’t have a healthy love for myself.
Growing up around a couple of adults that were vain and narcissistic I thought I would become the same if I simply took care of myself. You know…. take some time to enjoy something that I like, put on a little makeup or pamper myself?
My concern was a lie but it still ruled the way I lived and treated myself!
There was a time in my family when my kids were sick a lot!
It was an extremely difficult time that not only affected us physically but mentally as well.
Increased doctor visits, missed school and other activities kept me down and totally on edge.
It was an extremely difficult time that not only affected us physically but mentally as well.
Increased doctor visits, missed school and other activities kept me down and totally on edge.
I felt like I was always waiting for...
Are you battling any kind of health issue? From a skin issue to the dreaded 'C' word.
There was a time in my family that emotions made us sick! It's plain and simple! And this film...
The road to wellness
can be pricey....but we all spend our money on those things that are important and valuable to us and can benefit our family!
For each of us that may be a different route!
For me and my family...the road has been...