My thoughts have been on those going through rough times and needing a stable emotional protocol! Our mental health plays just as large a part as physical health when it comes to staying strong and keeping our immunity up!
My son, when he was younger and going through a stressful time, would get sick! ALL.THE.TIME.
I never saw the connection until later when I pieced all the sections of the puzzle together!
When we push back the emotions, don't listen to the symptoms or don't have space to tackle them....it can get worse!
You want to keep your emotional health balanced and in check!
Like someone having a heart defect/disease...if they had visited the specialist office it would have been dealt with properly and quickly.....instead of waiting, avoiding the visit ... and it becoming a hospital stay!
Don't Do That!
So....when stress hits....look for things that help you de-stress and bring your emotional health back into check!
FEELINGS BURIED ALIVE NEVER DIE combines a common-sense, results-oriented approach to a problem that is widespread and that can stop people from living fully.
Karol Truman provides a comprehensive and enlightening resource for getting in touch with unresolved feelings which, she explains, can distort not only happiness but also health and well-being. Leaving no emotion unnamed, and in fact listing.....Learn more here!
Why would you want to live half-heartedly and in fear of the the future AND the past?
We all go through hard times....what will you do the next time life hits hard?
- Will you seek stability and God's will in the situation?
- Will you face the facts and stand strong with friends to help and assist you?
- Will you take some down time and refresh your body and mind?
If you are not sure.....make a promise to yourself that you WILL do these things the next time something hard is thrown at you!
+You deserve it and need it!
++You are valuable and CAN prioritize this time for yourself!
+++Take some deep breaths and write down 2 action steps OR call a friend OR pray!

How do you de-stress and keep your emotional health balanced?
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