Are you battling any kind of health issue? From a skin issue to the dreaded 'C' word.
There was a time in my family that emotions made us sick! It's plain and simple! And this film...
Beautiful Destinations
Whatever challenge you’re dealing with right now, keep on going.
Whatever difficult journey you’re on right now, keep moving forward.
As with all things...
As with all things...

After a year of change…..
and staying home with my adult kids….
without always having consistent habits that will help me reach my goals.....
this author and book entered my life!

My thoughts have been on those going through rough times and needing a stable emotional protocol! Our mental health plays just as large a part as physical health when it comes to staying strong and keeping our immunity up!
My son, when he was younger and going through a stressful time, would get sick! ALL.THE.TIME.
I never saw the connection until later when...

When I say or hear the word SPRING so many things come to mind!
Spring into action! Just do it! Go!
Spring Season - as everything is growing into new life!
Spring forward - as in get a jumpstart on something or improve your life in some way!
Spring….as in a “Slinky”! Who remembers those and sending them down the stairs?
And many more ways you can think of things associated with the word SPRING.
Did you notice that all of these have something in common?