The One Gene Mutation You Really DON'T Want!

What does it matter if you have MTHFR?

Some doctors say it doesn't matter at all.  

But what about when you feel awful, your mood is off, you have a miscarriage or you’re actually diagnosed with something that can make you more susceptible because of this gene mutation.
I haven’t seen everything.... but I’ve seen a lot!

One of my biggest red flags is when someone is diagnosed with bipolar or depression or anxiety. The person has an addiction. There are gut issues present.  Another clue is if somebody has thyroid problems. One of the most common indicators is vitamin deficiencies.

My kids and I were all tested in different manners....pretty much covering it all!  Find out what insurance might cover and then go from there.  Some doctors don't believe that this could cause a problem.  If you need the doctor and hire a new one.  

It really can be a simple fix if you are ready to make a few lifestyle changes!  The 85% Solution by Dr. Dan Purser was the first book I read that gave me hope that this could be managed and taken care of.  If you have seen the difference in my kids over the'll see it was needed and worth it!!!  Learn more about this easy read here!  

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